The power-ups happen too often. They end up being more of a distraction than a help. Ive had issues with getting booted out of a room without playing, and with no refund on my tickets. Similar issue with power-ups. Ive purchased them, then when I get into the Bingo room, it says I dont have any and wants me to purchase more. The biggest issue though, is with "Bad Bingos". Other Bingo games with lock that card for five seconds or so, but Bingo Blingo locks it permanently. This is totally unfair because I hit the button by mistake sometimes. When Im trying to hurry and the square I want to daub is on the bottom row, sometimes I miss the square and hit Bingo instead. I shouldnt be punished for the rest of the game for an accident. Its like they think Im trying to do something illegal to cheat the game. There are better Bingo games out there. Check out the Storm8 Studios games.
Hughes949 about
Bingo Blingo